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Properties: Powerful guardian and purifier. Increases intuition and wisdom. Contributes to well-being.


White Sage is a perennial aromatic plant named Salvia Apiana originating from North America. Considered sacred by the Aboriginal peoples, the Native Americans, it is recognized for its medicinal properties. The Latin name of sage "Salvia" means health or cure, evoking its medicinal uses. "Apiana" signifies the bee, one of its main visitors.

Rainbow Sage

  • Pure white sage, rose petals

  • Step 1: Light your sage at a 45º angle with your candle, and let it burn for 10-20 seconds. 

    Step 2: Blow out the flame so only embers remain, and smoke will follow.

    Step 3: Slowly walk around your space to allow the smoke to waft around. Make sure you cover the doors and windows especially with the smoke. 

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