Ruby Zoisite is also known as Anyolite. It is a natural mix of red Ruby, green Zoisite and black Tschermakite, a type of Hornblende.
It has a vibrant energy that enhances the energetic and neural connections between your brain and your heart.
Usage : Wear on your body.
From India
Ruby Zoisite Tower
This stone has a strong spiritual nature, that may alter your consciousness, and give you access to your soul memory, to help you with spiritual learning. They have a strong third eye chakra energy, that combines with the vibration of the heart chakra.
Ruby Zoisite has a number of very helpful healing properties including helping to increase fertility, and aiding better blood circulation.They are known as healing crystals that will particularly help cancer sufferers as they may release negative energies. Ruby in Zoisite assists those with adrenal fatigue or fainting spells, panic attacks and immune problems including chronic fatigue syndrome.It will aid problems within the physical heart, stimulate an inactive thyroid, and bring general healing within the body.